Would you like to increase your level of job satisfaction?
Based on empirical evidence gathered over many years it can be concluded there is a strong correlation between job satisfaction and work performance. When your level of job satisfaction drops below a certain level, work performance can deteriorate rapidly. In order to avoid such a cliff-top drop, it can be helpful to monitor job satisfaction to identify specific areas of work that can be systematically addressed.
If you would like to assess your own level of job satisfaction, follow the instructions below to conduct a micro job satisfaction audit. INSTRUCTIONS: (a) Allocate a rating between 1 and 10 for each statement: 1 = strongly disagree to 10 = strongly agree (b) Add up your score (c) Compare your score to the score analysis JOB SATISFACTION AUDIT QUESTIONNAIRE 1. I enjoy the majority of the work/tasks I do 2. I have regular opportunities for achievement at work 3. My work is regularly recognised and acknowledged by management 4. I have sufficient opportunities for growth and advancement at work 5. My salary is at an appropriate market rate level for the work I do 6. I have, in the main, a positive working relationship with my colleagues 7. I have, in the main, a positive working relationship with my manager 8. I believe the organisational policies of my employer to be appropriate 9. I am provided with sufficient resources and support to do my job 10. My physical work environment is conducive to work performance JOB SATISFACTION RESULTS ANALYSIS Score 76 to 100 You are in the right job Score 51 to 75 You are aware improvements could be made Score 26 to 50 You are probably demotivated & frustrated Score 0 to 25 You are probably looking for another job!!!
When you have calculated your score it helps to focus on the area causing the greatest level of dissatisfaction. Listed below are common areas of concern.
IDENTIFY AREAS OF PRIMARY CONCERN 1. The work itself i.e. the type work 2. Your work performance 3. Relationship with colleagues 4. Relationship with manager 5. Availability of resources 6. Organisational policies 7. Organisational culture
When you have established the area of concern to focus upon, it is then necessary to formulate a plan of action to tackle the problem. This will entail utilising a broad range of skill-sets. If you lack the skill-set to solve the problem yourself, you may need to enlist the help of others or take the time to acquire new skills. Most people who engage in this process find that taking action creates its own momentum towards resolving the issue and leads to higher motivation and ultimately higher work performance.
If you would like further information of how to benefit from and increase job satisfaction leading to increased work performance, please contact me 087 - 638 7643 or michael@michaellukecollins.com at your convenience.