Five things organisations must do to ensure effective staff training.
(1) Organisations must provide supports for staff who want to attend training by allowing time for staff to fully engage in the process, before, during and after training
(2) Organisations must trust their staff to utilise time afforded for the training process in an appropriate manner.
(3) Organisations must ensure that training, learning and development of staff is an ongoing process.
(4) Organisations must ensure confidentially is protected in the training room and not interfere or seek to access information that identifies individuals who have raised work-related issues. Without such reassurance, learners tend not to speak freely and problems that need to be addressed are often not dealt with. If learners agree, anonymised information can be communicated to the organisation to facilitate the elimination of barriers to performance.
(5) Organisations must not handicap the training before it is even delivered. This can be achieved by affording the appropriate resources to be allocated to tailor content creation that addresses specific performance barriers identified. This will also ensure the course is not a reformatted generic, off-the-shelf training course.